What’s the best way to take care of your loved ones? Take ae of youself. In the last year, it’s been hard to focus on anything but COVID-19. But now, it’s tie to get bac to a healthier you. nd at INTEGRIS Health, we make it fast and easy to fi nd the erfect riary care hysician for your faily’s wellness chec, as well as yours. I €‚Iƒ „ealth riary care hysicians and secialists are caring for atients in erson, safely, with the aroriate rotocols. But of course we’re still offering telehealth …isits, including video and telephone appointments. †hich eans there’s no reason to delay any screening or checu. We’e eady to see you iht away, so make an appointment fo you and you family today. Visit inteishealthdotos.om to get started. UNI_21-IN-029 PCP_OKC Hall of Fame.indd 1 5/6/21 3:13 PM