Prodigal Beauty, #1 32" x 21" archival pigment print on paper Are there other things you do to inform your art? Bob Dylan was once asked where the ideas came from for his songs. To the surprise of his interviewer he said, “Well, I watch a lot of TV. And I read the Bible.” So I do that. Similarly David Ogilvy’s advice on preparing for a career in advertising was “develop a well-furnished mind.” Read; At the Mercy of study things outside your chosen field; the Flame ponder the mysteries of the universe. 32" x 21" archival pigment print I think this attitude is even more on paper important for the fine artist than the ad guy. Never stop learning. Toward that end, I am currently working on a certificate in theology and the arts from Fuller Seminary in Pasadena. My mentor Roger Huebner’s advice was half right. I wound up studying in Pasadena—just not at the Art Center. Skip McKinstry’s advertising and graphic design work can be seen at and his current artistic efforts can be seen at as well as @skipmckinstry on Instagram. Prodigal Beauty, #2 32" x 21" archival pigment print on paper 25 35 25

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