After graduating from Enid High School “My turning point, when I said, ‘enough was in 1996, Carr’s passion led her to Oklahoma enough,’ was when I was on a cycle for three City University. At OCU she earned a bachelor’s months and it basically threatened my ability to degree in pre-med and a master’s degree in health have children.” Her doctor gave her the option of administration. Due to self-doubt and insecurity, either taking more medication or having surgery Carr ultimately made the decision not to go into the to remove her uterus. Coming from a long line medical field. of women in her family who had hysterectomies “I felt like a hypocrite telling people how to live before the age of 40, this affected her femininity, and eat, and I was terribly unhealthy myself.” Much having not had children yet and the possibility of of her life, Carr struggled with her weight. Her lack that option being taken away from her. of confidence ultimately had a drastic effect on her Carr began to think “What is my body missing physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. or what am I putting in my body that it cannot “I was 16 years old when I was put on my very first tolerate? How can I heal myself?” After years of blood pressure pill.” Her doctor informed her that unsuccessful dieting, she made a commitment to she must take this pill for the prevention of a stroke herself to change her lifestyle naturally. With that in her older age. For years following, Carr continued promise, she lost more than 80 pounds and was to struggle with her health along with anxiety and able to stop medication for her blood pressure panic attacks. She eventually was hospitalized for by transitioning to natural, unprocessed foods. dehydration and diagnosed as pre-diabetic. Additionally, she spent a lot of time experimenting After stepping away from the medical field, Carr with different recipes and diets to find what worked went to work for Dell Technologies. She worked best for her body. for the information technology company for 11 “My mom and my grandmother are true Southern years, where she obtained a six-figure salary as a soulful cooks. They are the ones that taught me senior project manager. She attributes much of her how to cook.” current entrepreneurial success to the skills gained Carr at one point attempted the Raw Diet that during her time at Dell. consists of consuming mostly or completely “It helped shape me into the entrepreneur that raw and unprocessed foods. “When I went raw, I am today. It is the reason why I can pull off an I wanted something sweet… so I started making executive presentation. Why I am so good at my own chocolate. I would melt down the cocoa sales. Why I can put together PowerPoints that are butter to 112 degrees…” Although she eventually fell flawless. And, why I can run an effective business.” off the “raw” wagon, Carr continued to make her As she became an accomplished business- own chocolate on her stovetop. woman, Carr achieved much financial success. In 2017, she took a leap of faith and submitted Her career trajectory propelled her to greater her chocolate for consideration, and eventually heights. Even as she rose higher, she was tethered was chosen, to present at the Texas Women’s to the ground by a lifelong struggle. She still had Conference. difficulty maintaining a balance with her mental “I didn’t have a website at the time. I had never sold and physical health. any chocolate. I just took a risk… and it was just my 4

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