FROM THE FROM THE CHAIRMAN... PRESIDENT... Last month we celebrated eight Fame is finding ways to meet the It is hard to believe we are nearing the different abilities. In the coming incredibly talented and generous needs of the next generation. Not end of 2022. I am pleased to share year, you will learn about how the Oklahomans with our state’s highest only are we serving people in the with you that from Free Field Trips and Oklahoma Hall of Fame will be honor—induction to the Oklahoma Gaylord-Pickens Museum, but scholarship participation to publishing growing our reach and making new Hall of Fame. It was wonderful online programming, statewide and outreach, we have reached and and exciting opportunities available— hosting everyone in Tulsa and we outreach programs, and our exceeded pre-pandemic numbers. In further enhancing how we are “Telling have heard nothing but positive Library Distribution Program are addition, we have launched OHOF Oklahoma’s Story Through its People!” feedback on the 95th annual making a huge impact in the in the Wild—weekly curated content On behalf of the Oklahoma Hall Oklahoma Hall of Fame Induction community in which they live. for children with educational and of Fame team, we wish you a holiday Ceremony. First and foremost, the As you think about year-end or recreational activities that facilitate time season surrounded by those you diversity of the class on all levels has New Year giving, please consider spent outdoors and engaging with the cherish the most and a New Year received much acclaim. You can increasing your current level of natural world around them—and the filled with great possibilities! We look learn more about the event and this support or make an additional Scouts program—allowing youth the forward to seeing you in 2023! year’s class in this issue. And, just gift. I promise you, every penny opportunity to reach their goals through a reminder, you have until March is put to the very best use. curriculum created by the Museum 1, 2023 to nominate those to be Wishing you and your family a Experience Team. And, our Homeschool considered for the Class of 2023. safe and happy holiday season! Days have been so well received that As I reflect on my first year as additional days to meet demand were chair of the Oklahoma Hall of Fame, necessary. Shannon L. Rich I am grateful for the opportunity None of what we do would be PRESIDENT & CEO to work with such a professional possible without YOU—our donors. and result-driven team. Our staff Rebecca Dixon 365 days a year you are fulfilling the continues to expand programming, CHAIRMAN dream of higher education for a high enhance existing programming, school student, inspiring an elementary and raise the bar each and every student by providing a connection to a day. At a time when schools are local hero, and making programming struggling, the Oklahoma Hall of available to those with a range of CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD CHAIRMEN’S COUNCIL AJ GRIFFIN EDMOND REBECCA DIXON TULSA GOVERNOR BILL ANOATUBBY ADA JENNIFER M. GRIGSBY OKLAHOMA CITY CALVIN J. ANTHONY STILLWATER JOE D. HALL ELK CITY CHAIR-ELECT OF THE BOARD NEVYLE R. CABLE JENKS MICHELLE HARDESTY TULSA FRANK W. MERRICK OKLAHOMA CITY PAT HENRY LAWTON ANN HARGIS STILLWATER CHAIRMAN EMERITUS GLEN D. JOHNSON OKLAHOMA CITY HANNIBAL B. JOHNSON TULSA ORS BRUCE T. BENBROOK WOODWARD ROXANA LORTON TULSA MAUTRA STALEY JONES OKLAHOMA CITY TOM J. MCDANIEL OKLAHOMA CITY PEGGY KATES OKLAHOMA CITY VICE CHAIRMEN OF THE BOARD - EC JOE P. MORAN III TULSA CATHY KEATING OKLAHOMA CITY CHIEF GARY BATTON DURANT LEE ALLAN SMITH OKLAHOMA CITY KATHY LASTER SHAWNEE SAMUEL COMBS III TULSA MARK A. STANSBERRY EDMOND JUDY LOVE OKLAHOMA CITY ART COTTON OKLAHOMA CITY ERIKA LUCAS EDMOND PAGE DAVIDSON BROKEN ARROW WES MILBOURN OKLAHOMA CITY KEN FERGESON ALTUS DIRECTORS MIKE NEAL TULSA EDNA MAE HOLDEN KREMLIN JARI ASKINS DUNCAN SUSAN BINGHAM NEAL TULSA WHITNEY RAINBOLT OKLAHOMA CITY CORPORATE SECRETARY DEWEY F. BARTLETT JR. TULSA BOB BURKE OKLAHOMA CITY BARBARA BRAUGHT DUNCAN EDIE ROODMAN OKLAHOMA CITY ANDRE’ CALDWELL OKLAHOMA CITY BOB ROSS OKLAHOMA CITY TREASURER BRAD CARSON TULSA JOANN SCHAUB TULSA STEVE BURRAGE ANTLERS JILL CASTILLA EDMOND WILLIAM SCHONACHER OKLAHOMA CITY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AT LARGE STAN CLARK STILLWATER BRANDON D. SCOTT BROKEN ARROW CLAYTON I. BENNETT OKLAHOMA CITY JODI CLINE PONCA CITY T.W. SHANNON OKLAHOMA CITY LINDA ENGLISH WEEKS NORMAN AMANDA R. CLINTON TULSA KAYSE SHRUM STILLWATER TERRI CORNETT OKLAHOMA CITY C. RENZI STONE OKLAHOMA CITY ARD OF DIRECT PRESIDENT & CEO CHAD DILLINGHAM ENID STEVEN W. TAYLOR MCALESTER SHANNON L. RICH OKLAHOMA CITY CHERYL EVANS BURLINGTON JIM UTTERBACK EARLSBORO AMY ANNE FORD DURANT J.C. WATTS, JR. NORMAN VICE PRESIDENT JANE JAYROE GAMBLE OKLAHOMA CITY CHAD WIGINTON ALTUS BO GINI MOORE CAMPBELL OKLAHOMA CITY ANNE M. GREENWOOD STILLWATER ALLEN WRIGHT OKLAHOMA CITY 222

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