A vintage newspaper article shows Jason Wilson’s paternal grandmother Gladys Wilson, on the left, and his great- grandmother Gertie “Ma” Wilson. The women are showcasing one of Ma Wilson’s quilts, which she “Art was just something that handed to presidential hopeful Jimmy Carter and his running I always did,” now-full-time mate Walter Mondale in Norman. artist Wilson says. “I was Both women were quilters and their quilts still influence Jason the ‘kid that could draw,’ Wilson’s art. so that’s what I did. I was (Courtesy Jason Wilson) fortunate to have a mother who invested in my creative side, and wonderful art teachers as I grew up.” Now Wilson literally paints quilts by using a detailed, time consuming process. He Fractured, 24”x48,” creates geometric puzzle Acrylic on gallery wrapped pieces that defy dimension. canvas, by Jason Wilson. And innumerable people, (Courtesy Jason Wilson) even professional art critics, claim his work is computer generated. But nothing could be further from the truth. Wilson hand makes each piece of art using paint brushes, not air brushes. “Once I have an idea, I start by developing my paintings on grid paper Flamboyant, 24”x36,” Acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas, by Jason Wilson. (Courtesy Jason Wilson) 11 35

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