“Ideas pop into my head all days. If it’s 24”x24,” it can of the time, but the most be a few months. Because frequent is the moment I have a full-time job, the at bedtime after I close time I have to work on art my eyes and before I is limited.” begin to sleep,” Naff says. “Sometimes an image Although Naff says his work pops in my head and I does not communicate a Carborundum, 4”x4”x1,” Crystal and Carborundum on Birch, by Lawrence Naff. (Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition) Languages, 12”x12,” Crystal, Found Computer Parts, Tiger’s Eye, Red Jasper, and Mahogany Obsidian, by Lawrence Naff. (Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition) Pyrite IV, 24”x24”x1,” Crystal, Brass, and Pyrite, by Lawrence Naff. (Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition) wake back up to sketch specific message, he admits it. After I’ve drawn it, I there is an underlying can’t forget it, and I can concept to his art. execute the design later on a panel. I have to decide “The juxtaposition of the color, but that doesn’t manmade and natural take long. The time it takes components is meant to to completely execute question if technology depends on how large the and nature are as separate canvas is. If it is 4”x4,” it as we have been led can be from two to three to believe. I fight the 66