But as his market of college camera was not where he felt multi-million dollar houses? Of friends dwindled as he helped comfortable. A friend suggested course,” Hearne said. “Am I going them purchase their first homes, creating a podcast and offered to blow up my podcast feed with he found it more of a struggle the use of the needed equipment luxury real estate proposals and to find leads. Never learning to he owned to do so. Hearne went sales content? No chance. Some be a salesman, and frankly not to work. His plan was to interview realtors might say that’s dumb, fond of the process, he watched people and, with real estate still but this is bigger than just me. YouTube videos. One that suggested his main j-o-b, place a real estate This has become a beacon for starting a community on social advertising slot at the beginning what Oklahoma stands for and the media caught his attention and he and end of each episode. people who live here.” “I don’t know if I never thought it was possible, but the amount of opportunity here is ridiculous. Literally you can do anything you want and make a business out of it. The fact that a guy from Wales can have a podcast and brand sharing stories about Oklahoma proves that anything can be done with hard work here.” —MIKE HEARNE Mike Hearne launched his This is Oklahoma podcast in May, 2018. launched an Instagram page named His first podcast aired in It was on a blind date during This is Oklahoma in July 2017. He May 2018 and by episode two he Hearne’s final semester at SNU featured Oklahoma sunsets, trendy realized that by commercializing that he met his future wife. and unknown restaurants, and “all the segments he was taking Chad McKamie, who Hearne’s things” Oklahoma. attention away from the real professor had suggested he talk The page was an instant focus of the podcast—the guest to about the real estate industry, hit. The number of followers interview. To date, he has recorded had asked what would happen continued to grow, but Hearne more than 300 podcasts, none if Hearne’s work visa expired. wanted to do more with it— with real estate advertisements. Sarcastically, Hearne replied, he wanted to tell stories. He Ironically, his real estate business “One, go back to school and be a attempted to record a video has grown, referrals are up, grad assistant for the golf team. introduction for the page but and people seek him out for his Two, go home. Three, get married realized being in front of the services. “Would I like to sell and stay.” 45 35

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