Often soft spoken, he is diplomatic, but usually speaks to the truth and directly to the point of the matter at hand. He and his wife Gina live in Logan County. And they’re not sitting in neutral. The Sand Creek Memorial Project has been stuck in idle since its inception in 2014. One Earth Future Foundation is spearheading the fundraising aspect of the memorial. They called Pratt in early September 2020, telling him the project may have a home on the Colorado State Capitol’s west steps in Denver. The Sand Creek project has been and remains plagued by logistical issues, changes in Harvey’s original plan for the memorial, and a lot of controversy on every level. At this point in time, Pratt’s Sand Creek Memorial prototype involves a Cheyenne mother who is in deep grief and mourning. Her child has been murdered in the Sand Creek Massacre. For the seven inch by nine inch Harvey and Gina Pratt. Photo courtesy Harvey Pratt. Harvey Pratt designed a Pendleton blanket for Oklahoma's Centennial. The blankets were a limited edition and are no longer available. Photo courtesy Harvey Pratt. Hall of Fame in 2019. In 2019, Pratt received the key to the City of El Reno. The list of boards he serves on and group memberships is massive. He joined the American Legion and is now the commander of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Post 401 in Clinton. And he’s the chairperson for the Department of Interior Indian Arts and Crafts Board, and tells, “We’ve seized millions of dollars of counterfeit Native American jewelry.” But a law enforcement career accumulates a lot of dark baggage, and Pratt found his solitude in art. Now an award-winning and self-taught, master artist, he uses oil, acrylic, water colors, metal, clay, and wood. He was named Red Earth 2005 Honored One. And his paintings are sold globally. Despite all the accolades and awards, Harvey Pratt is a humble person, fully aware of how his life today is an extension of his ancestral bloodlines. 2626