“What do I like most about Oklahoma? This is a common answer—but it’s the people, we’re just different here. I notice it more when I travel back home and I do things others think that are odd. Simple things like opening the door, smiling at others, picking up trash, just stuff we think is normal to us but is so foreign to others.” —MIKE HEARNE Taking wedding photos at Coity Castle with Mike and Taryn Hearne, far right, were, from left, Mike Hearne’s dad Steve Hearne, mum Jennifer Hearne, brother Lewis Hearne, grandfather Ted Jones, grandmother Hilary Jones, aunt Minie Wager and uncle Nick Wager, McKamie asked Hearne, “Do to Oklahoma to celebrate his wanted to marry Taryn. It was you want to go on a double-date graduation. Hearne remembers not long before he asked for his with me, my wife, and my sister- his father saying, “You better future father-in-law’s blessing. in-law?” The first date the four marry that girl.” In planning to make his home in went bowling. Hearne remembers Following a six-week return Oklahoma permanent, Hearne not being a great bowler, but his home to play golf for the Wales scheduled an early February insecurity and shyness turned into Men’s Team around Europe, meeting with a local immigration humor that made an impression including traveling to Sweden for attorney. Taryn accompanied him on his date—Taryn Learned. The the European Team Championship to the appointment and both were couple continued to date and and Ireland for the Home left speechless when the attorney Taryn was introduced to Hearne’s Internationals, Hearne knew when said, “It takes 90 days to file the parents when they traveled he arrived back in Oklahoma he paperwork. Your visa ends May 31st. 47 35 47

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