Designed by native Oklahoman and award-winning Cheyenne and Arapaho artist Harvey Pratt, the National Native American Veterans Memorial was commissioned by the U.S. Congress. More than 85 tribes, individuals, corporations, and other organizations contributed to the memorial. It is the only memorial or monument, on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., designed by an Oklahoman. Designed by Harvey Pratt of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes, the National Native American Veterans Memorial, on the grounds of the National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D.C., November 2020. Photo by Alan Karchmer for the National Museum of the American Indian ratt explains: “I dreamed about the design, and start. The sacred fire is the eternal fire, that warms then drew it on a Big Chief Tablet. My dream and comforts. Yellow represents mother earth; Pwas to appease all the 573 federally recognized white is new beginnings; the Creator’s power is red; tribes through spirituality and ceremony. My design black represents our ancestors. is timeless. If my great-great-grandfather looked As well, Pratt included the military medallions at it, he would know what it means. My great- on the outer walls, and placed benches inside grandchildren will recognize the symbolism.” the walls so people may meditate and pray. Onto “I’ve been in a lot of ceremonies with a lot of the eagle-feather-adorned lances, people will tie tribes. They all have certain things in common. I prayer cloths. The wind will carry their prayers up put those basic beliefs together,” tells Pratt, who to the Creator. grew up in a traditional, Cheyenne-Arapaho family. Located on the last remaining space on the Of his design, he describes that all of life is a circle, National Mall in Washington, D.C., the memorial including the cycles of life and seasons. Pratt includes a 14’ tall and 50’ wide stainless steel, included sacred water that makes things grow and granite, and bronze structure. Pratt’s wife Gina says, 14

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