were renewed annually. In 1838, White Thunder sacrificed himself at the Battle of Wolf Creek just north of Woodward. In 1871, a Cheyenne and Arapaho agency was established at Darlington, in today’s Canadian County, Oklahoma, and located across the North Canadian River from Fort Reno. Ed Guerrier was the son of Tah-Tah-Tois-neh, and French fur trader William Guerrier, who traded at Bent’s Fort. In the future Oklahoma, Guerrier, and the sons of William Bent—George Bent and Robert Bent—and Ben Clark, continued to be involved with the Cheyenne and Arapaho people in numerous ways. Ben Clark (1842-1914) was a U.S. Cavalry scout whose home base became Fort Reno. The Treaty of the Little Arkansas allowed survivors of the Sand Creek Massacre to receive land. Julia Bent received 640 acres which included Bent’s Fort in Colorado, established by her father William Bent, and she lived there until at least 1872. Charlie Russell In 1875, Julia Bent married Ed Guerrier. Before the government opened the Cheyenne William Bent’s sister, Lucy Bent (1805-1871), and Arapaho reservation to white settlement in married James Russell. Their grandson was 1892, each member of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Charlie Russell. In 1880, Charlie moved to tribes received a 160 acre allotment. Julia’s brother Montana to be a cowpuncher. He initially George Bent, whose Indian name was Do-Hah-en- took up art as a hobby. no, received an allotment. Julia Bent Guerrier and Known as the Cowboy Artist, Charlie Ed Guerrier and their children received allotments. Russell (1864-1926), the almost super human artist, left the world with a wonderful gift. Ed Guerrier lived in today’s far northwest Canadian He created over 4,000 works of art, using County on the southern bank of the North paint, bronze, ink, and wax. Canadian River, and for many year he operated a A self-taught artist, his works of art are trading post. called “stories on a page” because his work Visitors recorded that Julia and Ed Guerrier had always told a story. Besides being an artist, a two-story house, and their children lived in the he was labeled a historian, story teller, and writer. Unlike other Western artists, Russell house. But Julia and Ed lived “Indian style” in a tent lived in the West. He and his wife made in the yard. In 1893, a nearby village was named after Montana their home. He recorded the iconic Ed Guerrier, the village was named Geary. American West, leaving it for us to enjoy. Harvey Pratt’s great-grandparents were By the time Russell died in 1926, he Julia and Ed Guerrier. Julia and Ed’s child William was the highest paid artist in America and Guerrier (1881-1967) married Nellie Adams, and his works are now sold globally. Through their daughter Anna Guerrier Pratt Shadlow (1911- Russell’s eyes, we can glimpse the Old West as he saw it. 2002) was born in her grandmother Julia’s teepee in Canadian County. 18

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