ne day, shortly after Ruben’s person to inform Robert that Ruben Odeath, a soldier from Ruben’s tank had been killed in action. battalion was waiting for his tank to be Robert continued his military service refueled at Robert’s supply unit. The and was released in 1945. Although tank driver saw Robert from a distance, several job opportunities awaited and noticed his resemblance to Ruben. him, he chose to return to Bishop’s “That soldier over there looks like Restaurant in Oklahoma City. When my staff sergeant who was just killed,” Robert returned home, he said his the tank driver remarked to the family greeted him with bittersweet soldier who was refueling the tank. expressions of joy and sadness. They “What was your staff sergeant’s were happy to see him, but were anxious name”? about telling him that Ruben had been The Army Medal of Honor was “Rivers,” the tank driver replied. killed in action. He admitted that he awarded to seven black soldiers “Well,” said the soldier who was already knew about Ruben’s death. refueling the tank, “that soldier’s name Despite Ruben’s bravery, and the for their service is Rivers; you should talk to him.” courage of other Black soldiers like during World War II, After speaking with Robert, the him, at the end of World War II, no six were awarded posthumously. tank driver learned that Robert Black soldier had been awarded the and Ruben were brothers. The Medal of Honor. That would change, unidentified tank driver was the first but only after decades of struggle Members of the 761st Tank Battalion that was activated on April 1, 1942, and landed at Omaha Beach on October 10, 1944. 32

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