FROM THE FROM THE CHAIRMAN... PRESIDENT... It has been a busy first six months Oklahoma’s highest honor are: First, I want to thank the board of are thrilled to announce our masters and, with the privilege of sharing Col. Stanley L. Evans, Oklahoma directors and staff for their continued of ceremonies for the event—Gov. Bill with you the Oklahoma Hall City; Scott Hendricks, Clinton; commitment and support as we Anoatubby and Chief Gary Batton, of Fame Class of 2021, this is Hannibal B. Johnson, Tulsa; navigate our way back to what can both Members of the Oklahoma Hall my favorite issue of Oklahoma: Justice Yvonne Kauger, Colony: best be called our “new normal.” With of Fame. You will learn more about Magazine of the Oklahoma Hall Paula Marshall, Tulsa; Harvey restrictions lifted and the vaccination the 94th annual induction ceremony of Fame. Pratt, El Reno; and Jim Stovall, rate increasing, we have been eagerly in the coming months. On May 20th family, friends, Tulsa. From Oklahoma City, welcoming guests back to the Gaylord- Finally, thank you, to our board colleagues, and Members of the Roscoe Dunjee will be inducted Pickens Museum. of directors and donors, for your Oklahoma Hall of Fame gathered posthumously. We have hosted a number of school unwavering commitment and to celebrate and welcome the In the coming months the field trips, weddings and special events, continued financial support over incoming class during a luncheon in Honorees will be choosing the business meetings and conferences, this past year. We are extremely the Bennett-McClendon Great Hall individuals to present them for Spring Thing activities, and the 2021 grateful for your generosity and your at the Gaylord-Pickens Museum. induction on November 18th, in Oklahoma Hall of Fame Announcement commitment to partner with us in Oklahoma Hall of Fame Member addition to working with staff and Luncheon. Our online programming, telling Oklahoma’s story through Becky Dixon served as our mistress the production team to craft their created to meet the needs of our diverse its people. of ceremonies and made the unique stories for broadcast the audiences during the pandemic, has official announcement. In addition, night of their induction and to be become a permanent addition to our in conjunction with the luncheon incorporated into the permanent education programming portfolio and announcement, Oklahoma Hall exhibits in the Gaylord-Pickens our traveling Pioneer Spirit exhibit is of Famers Bob Burke and Cathy Museum. On behalf of the in demand. Shannon L. Rich, Keating co-anchored a Facebook officers, directors, and staff, The summer and fall will be especially PRESIDENT & CEO Live announcement to announce congratulations to the Oklahoma busy as we plan for an in-person the 2021 Honorees. Hall of Fame Class of 2021. Oklahoma Hall of Fame Induction Oklahomans being inducted Ceremony. Scheduled for the evening later this year reflect a broad range of November 18th, the black-tie of fields of work, hometowns, Bruce T. Benbrook, affair will be held at the Cox Business and experiences. Those receiving CHAIRMAN Convention Center in Tulsa. And, we CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD CHAIRMEN’S COUNCIL ANNE M. GREENWOOD STILLWATER BRUCE T. BENBROOK WOODWARD CALVIN J. ANTHONY STILLWATER MICHELLE HARDESTY TULSA NEVYLE CABLE OKMULGEE NATHANIEL HARDING OKLAHOMA CITY CHAIR-ELECT OF THE BOARD PAT HENRY LAWTON ANN HARGIS, STILLWATER DAVID KYLE TULSA GLEN D. JOHNSON OKLAHOMA CITY MAUTRA JONES OKLAHOMA CITY CHAIRMAN EMERITUS OF THE BOARD ROXANA LORTON TULSA PEGGY KATES OKLAHOMA CITY GOVERNOR BILL ANOATUBBY ADA TOM J. MCDANIEL OKLAHOMA CITY CATHY KEATING OKLAHOMA CITY ORS JOE P. MORAN III TULSA DAVID KYLE TULSA VICE CHAIRMEN OF THE BOARD - EC LEE ALLAN SMITH OKLAHOMA CITY KATHY LASTER SHAWNEE CHIEF GARY BATTON DURANT MARK A. STANSBERRY EDMOND DUKE R. LIGON WEWOKA SAMUEL COMBS III TULSA JUDY LOVE OKLAHOMA CITY GREG ELLIOTT CHICKASHA DIRECTORS GREG MASSEY DURANT JENNIFER GRIGSBY OKLAHOMA CITY JARI ASKINS DUNCAN JOHN M. MCARTHUR LAWTON EDNA MAE HOLDEN KREMLIN DEWEY F. BARTLETT, JR. TULSA FRANK W. MERRICK OKLAHOMA CITY MAXEY REILLY OKEMAH BARBARA BRAUGHT DUNCAN MIKE NEAL TULSA BOB BURKE OKLAHOMA CITY SUSAN NEAL TULSA CORPORATE SECRETARY JILL CASTILLA EDMOND S. BOND PAYNE OKLAHOMA CITY A. XAVIER NEIRA NORMAN STAN CLARK STILLWATER WHITNEY RAINBOLT OKLAHOMA CITY JODI CLINE PONCA CITY BOB ROSS OKLAHOMA CITY TREASURER MICK CORNETT OKLAHOMA CITY JOANN SCHAUB TULSA STEVE BURRAGE ANTLERS ART COTTON OKLAHOMA CITY WILLIAM SCHONACHER OKLAHOMA CITY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AT LARGE PAGE DAVIDSON BROKEN ARROW T.W. SHANNON OKLAHOMA CITY CLAYTON I. BENNETT OKLAHOMA CITY CHAD DILLINGHAM ENID KAYSE SHRUM TULSA LINDA ENGLISH WEEKS NORMAN GENTNER F. DRUMMOND TULSA STEVEN W. TAYLOR MCALESTER JEFFREY T. DUNN TULSA STEVE TURNBO TULSA ARD OF DIRECT PRESIDENT & CEO CHERYL EVANS BURLINGTON JIM UTTERBACK EARLSBORO SHANNON L. RICH OKLAHOMA CITY TRICIA EVEREST OKLAHOMA CITY HARDY WATKINS OKLAHOMA CITY KEN FERGESON ALTUS AVILLA WILLIAMS EDMOND VICE PRESIDENT AMY ANNE FORD DURANT SUSAN WINCHESTER OKLAHOMA CITY BO GINI MOORE CAMPBELL OKLAHOMA CITY JANE JAYROE GAMBLE OKLAHOMA CITY ALLEN WRIGHT OKLAHOMA CITY 222