FROM THE FROM THE CHAIRMAN... PRESIDENT... Elected as chair of the Oklahoma Hall classrooms year-round and traveling 2022 is our 95th year and we already announcing those the Honorees select of Fame in December, I am thrilled to exhibits are available at no charge are planning for the centennial of the to serve as their Presenters in the coming serve in this capacity for the this nearly- to schools, museums, and public Oklahoma Hall of Fame. Committees have months and tickets go on sale in August. 100-year-old statewide organization. spaces. The Oklahoma Scholarship been assembled, programming leading We expect another sell out, so make your I want to acknowledge Chair-emeritus Competition makes at least 10 up to 100 years is being introduced, and reservations early. Bruce Benbrook for guiding us through scholarships available to high school the current class of Honorees has been Through September 15th “Vida the most difficult time in our history—the students in each of our 77 counties announced. Oklahoma” is on display in the Tulsa COVID pandemic. His leadership and one senior is awarded the Receiving Oklahoma’s highest honor World | Lorton Family Gallery. Featuring instilled trust among donors and Oklahoma Hall of Fame Scholarship with induction to the Oklahoma Hall the works of Carlos Barboza and Isaac staff, while at the same time ensuring annually. Our library distribution of Fame this November will be Sue Diaz, you will not want to miss this exhibit. the safety of the team and the fiscal program provides books celebrating Ann Arnall, Poteau; Dr. Bob Blackburn, While here, please check out Scissortail strength of the organization. our rich history to public school Oklahoma City; Chet Cadieux, Tulsa; Gifts. Our Museum store has a new look During my time as chair I want libraries at no charge. And this is Patty Gasso, Norman; Roger Hardesty, and features a wide assortment of Made to focus on making certain every just a sampling of the educational Tulsa; Joy Harjo, Tulsa; and Dr. Pamela in Oklahoma and unique gifts, perfect for Oklahoman knows what the programs made available by the McCauley, Oklahoma City. Leon Russell, your giving needs. Oklahoma Hall of Fame has to offer. Oklahoma Hall of Fame on an originally from Lawton, will be inducted Did you know that every Oklahoma annual basis. posthumously. The 2022 Oklahoma Hall classroom can visit the Gaylord- I encourage you to visit of Fame Induction Ceremony will be held Pickens Museum free of charge and to learn more on the evening of November 17 at the Cox receive a gas stipend of $5 per about these programs and countless Business Convention Center in Tulsa. We student? The Gaylord-McCasland others. I hope you will share these are grateful The Chickasaw Nation and the Shannon L. Rich Teacher Fellowship provides educators opportunities with the educators and Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma generously PRESIDENT & CEO experiences to enrich their roles in the students in your life! stepped up as Presenting Sponsors for the classroom. Home School Days reserve event. In addition, the nations, the Cresap the Museum for students to engage in Family Foundation, Mr. Robert A. Funk, programming and crafts that support and Mrs. and Mrs. Herman Meinders their curriculum. Online instruction and Rebecca Dixon have made multiple-year commitments activities are available to students and CHAIRMAN as Production Partners. We will be CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD CHAIRMEN’S COUNCIL AJ GRIFFIN EDMOND REBECCA DIXON TULSA GOVERNOR BILL ANOATUBBY ADA JENNIFER M. GRIGSBY OKLAHOMA CITY CALVIN J. ANTHONY STILLWATER JOE D. HALL ELK CITY CHAIR-ELECT OF THE BOARD NEVYLE R. CABLE JENKS MICHELLE HARDESTY TULSA FRANK W. MERRICK OKLAHOMA CITY PAT HENRY LAWTON ANN HARGIS STILLWATER CHAIRMAN EMERITUS GLEN D. JOHNSON OKLAHOMA CITY HANNIBAL B. JOHNSON TULSA ORS BRUCE T. BENBROOK WOODWARD ROXANA LORTON TULSA MAUTRA STALEY JONES OKLAHOMA CITY TOM J. MCDANIEL OKLAHOMA CITY PEGGY KATES OKLAHOMA CITY VICE CHAIRMEN OF THE BOARD - EC JOE P. MORAN III TULSA CATHY KEATING OKLAHOMA CITY CHIEF GARY BATTON DURANT LEE ALLAN SMITH OKLAHOMA CITY KATHY LASTER SHAWNEE SAMUEL COMBS III TULSA MARK A. STANSBERRY EDMOND JUDY LOVE OKLAHOMA CITY ART COTTON OKLAHOMA CITY ERIKA LUCAS EDMOND PAGE DAVIDSON BROKEN ARROW WES MILBOURN OKLAHOMA CITY KEN FERGESON ALTUS DIRECTORS MIKE NEAL TULSA EDNA MAE HOLDEN KREMLIN JARI ASKINS DUNCAN SUSAN BINGHAM NEAL TULSA WHITNEY RAINBOLT OKLAHOMA CITY CORPORATE SECRETARY DEWEY F. BARTLETT JR. TULSA BOB BURKE OKLAHOMA CITY BARBARA BRAUGHT DUNCAN EDIE ROODMAN OKLAHOMA CITY ANDRE’ CALDWELL OKLAHOMA CITY BOB ROSS OKLAHOMA CITY TREASURER BRAD CARSON TULSA JOANN SCHAUB TULSA STEVE BURRAGE ANTLERS JILL CASTILLA EDMOND WILLIAM SCHONACHER OKLAHOMA CITY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AT LARGE STAN CLARK STILLWATER BRANDON D. SCOTT BROKEN ARROW CLAYTON I. BENNETT OKLAHOMA CITY JODI CLINE PONCA CITY T.W. SHANNON OKLAHOMA CITY LINDA ENGLISH WEEKS NORMAN AMANDA R. CLINTON TULSA KAYSE SHRUM STILLWATER TERRI CORNETT OKLAHOMA CITY C. RENZI STONE OKLAHOMA CITY ARD OF DIRECT PRESIDENT & CEO CHAD DILLINGHAM ENID STEVEN W. TAYLOR MCALESTER SHANNON L. RICH OKLAHOMA CITY CHERYL EVANS BURLINGTON JIM UTTERBACK EARLSBORO AMY ANNE FORD DURANT J.C. WATTS JR. NORMAN VICE PRESIDENT JANE JAYROE GAMBLE OKLAHOMA CITY CHAD WIGINTON ALTUS BO GINI MOORE CAMPBELL OKLAHOMA CITY ANNE M. GREENWOOD STILLWATER ALLEN WRIGHT OKLAHOMA CITY 222